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The filter bubble is a phenomenon where someone on the internet only encounters content and opinions that reinforce their existing point of view, thus limiting access to other points of view.

The danger of the filter bubble is that it limits the diversity of information and viewpoints available, so it's easy to believe that your opinion is objectively true, that everyone agrees with it, because that's what you see online.

The algorithms explicitly contribute to the formation of filter bubbles, as they are set up to

  • show personalised content, so that what you click on most often, what you are interested in, will appear in your feed;
  • to interact with like-minded people. Algorithms are designed to connect us with like-minded people, groups or communities.

The most important practical tips:

  • Choose online content consciously, look for multiple approaches and opinions!
  • Listen to what other people have to say, not just inside your own bubble!
  • Make an effort to spend your time online consciously: don't limit yourself to social media or news feeds, but explore other online content too!